HISTORY 3345 001:


Fall 2016: MWF 11:00-11:50
Holden Hall 225



John Howe
: 143 Holden Hall                                Office Hours:  MW 9:30-10:30;  W 12-12:30 pm;  W 9:40-10:15 pm;  and by appointment 

Telephone: 834-7544                                  E-mail: john.howe@ttu.edu                                    Web: http://myweb.ttu.edu/jhowe                            FAX:  742-1060                                                


To survey the development of medieval Europe from about A.D. 400 to 1000.  To indicate how knowledge about this era has been acquired.  To learn how economic, cultural, and intellectual changes in the distant past have shaped the contours of the contemporary world. To develop skill in reading, analyzing, and reviewing historical monographs.


Expected Learning Outcomes:

“Students graduating from Texas Tech University should be able to think critically and demonstrate an understanding of the possibility of multiple interpretations, cultural contexts, and values.”

Upon successful completion of History 3345 students will be able to:

            1.  Describe major events and individuals associated with the early medieval Latin West.

            2.  Discuss the documentary foundation that underlies this historical narrative.

            3.  Relate the development of the early medieval Latin West to the development of basic themes of “Western Civilization.”

                  4.  Be more proficient in the following genres of historical writing:  essay examinations and book reviews.


Methods for Assessing the Expected Learning Outcomes:

            The Expected Learning Outcomes of the course will be assessed through examinations, book reviews, class discussion, and miscellaneous classroom assessment activities that may include non-graded quizzes, reaction papers, polling the class, and other techniques.




Required Texts:
         Robert Cook (ed.).  Njal's Saga (Penguin 2002).

         Roger CollinsEarly Medieval Europe, 300-1000. 3rd ed. (Palgrave 2010).

         G. Roland Murphy (ed.).  The Heliand: The Saxon Gospel (Oxford 1992).

         Also required are documents available on-line. You can "click" to these directly if you access this syllabus via the internet. It is advisable to print the assigned texts a few days in advance because server or network problems can complicate last minute consultations.

Required Reading:
Specific reading assignments for each class are listed in the Reading and Lecture
Schedule, just ahead and to the right of the lecture date by which they should be completed.  Each assignment is the subject of the following lecture or discussion. Read so that you arrive in class prepared to explain, praise, criticize, and question. The assignments are manageable if read when assigned, but quickly become overwhelming if neglected.

Class Attendance:

            To complete this course successfully you need to attend class regularly.  In the classroom difficult reading assignments are interpreted, additional subject matter is introduced, and visual materials are displayed (which are difficult to comprehend from a friend's notes). Part of the course grade is based on class participation, and you cannot participate if you are not present.

            Midterm tests are scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, and Friday, November 4. Each will include multiple choice questions, identifications, and a single essay (to be selected from two or more choices), and perhaps map work. If, for good reason, a test is missed, it may be made up at 2:30 pm on Monday, December 5. Students receiving a grade below "C" on a regularly scheduled midterm should meet with the teacher as soon as possible.
        The final examination will feature multiple choice and identification questions on the material covered since the second midterm, and several essay questions covering the material of the entire course. Bring one or more blue books to the final.

Book Reviews:

            Students will write three two-page book reviews based upon monographs listed on bibliographies posted on this Web site. The bibliographies from which these three reviews will be written deal with the conversion of Europe to Christianity (due Monday October 10), Carolingian high culture (due Wednesday October 26), and post-Carolingian Viking invaders (due Friday November 11).  One letter grade will be deducted from late assignments (those not received at the start of class on the due date). Late assignments will not be accepted beyond the next class date following the due date.  Each student who wishes will have at least one opportunity to present his or her analysis to the class.



           Much of what we think we know about the "Dark Ages" consists of misconceptions and misrepresentations, often created long ago but promulgated today by film images. The fact that these tend to be contradictory does not diminish their power:  contrast, for example, the dining scenes from Camelot and The Vikings. In order to advance our knowledge, it can be useful to confront such images.

Therefore, students may view films about the Early Middle Ages that will be projected and discussed on designated evenings during the course of the semester:  this fall the 7:00 pm movie choices will include King Arthur (2004) on Thursday, Sept 22, in HH225; The Vikings (1958) on Thursday, Nov 10, in HH225; and The War Lord  (1965) on Tuesday, November 29, in  HH111.  On the designated evenings, students will watch the films and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses as "history." Those who can attend at least two of these events and participate in the associated discussions will the receive extra credit indicated below.


Observance of a Religious Holy Day:

           Texas House Bill 256 requires institutions of higher education to excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day. The student shall also be excused for time necessary to travel. An institution may not penalize the student for the absence and should allow for the student to take an exam or complete an assignment from which the student is excused. No prior notification of the instructor is required.


Necessary Accommodations:
            Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact the instructor as soon as possible so that the necessary accommodations can be made.


Academic Integrity

"Texas Tech is committed to creating an exciting university atmosphere that is free of academic dishonesty. All members of the university community, including faculty, students, and staff, are upheld to the standard of having integrity in the work they produce. The standard is for all members of the Texas Tech community to contribute to the campus environment in an ethical, fun, and honest manner. Integrity matters because student success matters." Academic integrity violations are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct, Part X. B3 of the Student Handbook.  Because we live in an imperfect world, it is sometimes necessary to undergird ideals with enforcement mechanisms. Be aware that Texas Tech mandates specific disciplinary outcomes for academic integrity violations. See TTU Student Judicial Programs.    


            The course grade will be computed as follows: 30% from the two midterm tests (that is, 15% from each); 30% from the three book reviews (10% from each); 5% from one optional class presentation of a book; 10% from class participation; and 30% from the final examination. Note that the optional class presentation is equivalent to extra credit because, if it is included, the grade components total 105%; they equal 100% if it is not.

An extra 5% of A credit will be added to the averages of students who attend two of the films and participate in the post-film discussions.

The class participation grade is based on attendance, class preparation, and class contributions.  Students outstanding in these get class participation credited as an `A'; those average have the points dropped out (so they neither help nor hurt); those below acceptable standards have them credited as an `F.'



M Aug 29          Introduction


                                   Eurasian World ; Mediterranean Topography; Roman Empire 117 ; Roman Empire ca. 300


W Aug 31          The Physical World of Late Antiquity


[Th Sept 1          Last day for student-initiated course enrollments]


                                   Collins 1-24; Diocletian, Augustus, Tetrarchs; Constantine; Price Controls; Ammianus Marcellinus


F Sept 2             The Later Roman Empire


                       Collins 25-41; Constantine; Conversion of Constantine; Europe 395 (detail 1, detail 2); Constantine's Laws for Christians


[M Sept 5          Holiday] 


W Sept 7           The Christian Empire


                      Collins 41-60; Julius Caesar ; Tacitus


F Sept 9            The German "Barbarians"


                      Collins 60-85; Attila; Pope Leo I and Attila


M Sept 12        The Crisis of the Late Empire   


                      Collins 85-103; Gibbon; "Spaghetti Map" of the Wanderings of Peoples; Goffart; Europe 476


W Sept 14        The Fall of Rome?  Or a Subtle Roman Triumph?

[W Sept 14       Last day to drop a course without academic penalty]

                                  Collins 103-09; Theoderic ; Theoderich's Letters


F Sept 16         The Goths


                      Collins 109-13, 160-72; Gregory of Tours on the Soissons Vase; Gregory of Tours on the Conversion of ClovisMap  of Frankish Dominions; Childeric's Tomb:  

                      Childeric's Bees, Law of the Salian Franks


M Sept 19        The Franks


                     Collins 173-79 (see also his note 6 on p.49: "The literature on Arthur is vast, and mostly silly."); Snyder's "Age of Arthur"


W Sept 21        Arthur of Britain


                                 Collins 114-32; Justinian ; Europe in 526; Europe in 565


[Th Sept 22        Optional Movie King Arthur at 7:00pm in HH225]


F Sept 23           The Empire Strikes Back


                                 Collins 133-50;  Map of Early Islamic Expansion; Muslim World ca. 750; Mosque Architecture; Islamic Beliefs


M Sept 26          The Arabs  




W Sept 28          Midterm #1


                                  Collins 151-72; Heliand 199-203; start the first book review from List #1:  Conversion


F Sept 30           "Ethnogenesis" and the Early Germanic "Nations" / Visigoths


                                  Collins198-219; Europe ca. 600;  continue with Book Review #1


M Oct 3              Lombards


                      Collins 178-97; Patrick's Confession; Anglo-Saxon Map; continue with Book Review #1


W Oct 5              The Celts and the Saxon Kingdoms  


                      Collins  236-62; continue with Book Review #1


F Oct 7               Monks and Missionaries


                      Finish Book Review #1


M Oct 10            Reports on the Conversion of Europe


                      Start Second Book Review from List #2: Carolingian Renaissance


W Oct 12            Reports on the Conversion of Europe

                       Collins 220-35; Annals of Lorsch; continue with Book Review #2


F Oct 14            The Roman Revolution


                      Collins 263-79; continue with Book Review #2


M Oct 17          The Rise of the Carolingians


                      Collins 280-99; Einhard's Life of Charlemagne; Map of Charlemagne's Empire; continue with Book Review #2


W Oct 19          Charlemagne


                        Collins 300-17; General Capitulary of the Missi; Capitulary for Saxony; continue with Book Review #2


F Oct 21            Carolingian Government


                       Letter to Baugulf of Fulda; Continue with Book Review #2


M Oct 24          The Carolingian Renaissance


                       Finish Book Review #2


W Oct 26          Reports on the Carolingian Renaissance


                       Heliand xi-xviii, 1-29


F Oct 28           Reports on the Carolingian Renaissance


                       Heliand 29-115; begin a review from List #3: The Vikings 


[M Oct 31         Last Day to Drop a Course with Academic Penalty (counts against the drop limit)] 


M Oct 31          Reports on the Carolingian Renaissance


                       Heliand 115-98; continue with Book Review #3


W Nov 2           The Heliand




F Nov 4             Midterm Examination #2


                       Collins 318-43; Map of Carolingian Partitionscontinue with Book Review #3


M Nov 7            Louis The Pious and Later Carolingians


                        Collins 344-70; Vikings; Viking Ship; continue with Book Review #3


W Nov 9            The Vikings


                        Njal's Saga vii-xxxiii, 3-68; finish Book Review #3


[Th Nov 10         Optional Movie; The Warlord at 7:00pm in HH225] 


F Nov 11           Reports on the Vikings


                        Njal's Saga 68-172


M Nov 14          Reports on the Vikings


                        Njal's Saga 172-310


W Nov 16          Njal's Saga


                         Collins 371-93, 394-99


F Nov 18           Muslims in Spain / Italy


                       John Howe, "Re-Forging the 'Age of Iron':" Parts I and II


M Nov 21         Tenth-century Transformations of Europe 


 [WF Nov 23 and 25   Thanksgiving Holiday]


                       John Howe on "Encastellation"Motte and Bailey Castles ;  Elizabeth A. R. Brown, :The Tyranny of a Construct: Feudalism and Historians of Medieval Europe,"
                      American HIstorical Review
79 (1974): 1063-88  [Access through JSTOR]; "Feudal" Oaths of Fidelity; Fulbert of  Chartres


M Nov 28        Revival of Europe:  Military and Society


                       Lynn White Jr on "Agricultural Revolution"; Europe 900;  Europe 1000; new horse collar;   Market Grant; Grants of Rights to Jews


[Tu Nov 29      Optional Movie: The Vikings at 7:00pm in HH111]


W Nov 30       Revival of Europe:  The Economy


                       John Howe, "The Nobility’s Reform of the Medieval Church,"  American Historical Review, 93(2) (1988): 317-339 [Access through JSTOR]


 F Dec 2          Revival of Europe:  Religion and Culture

                      Collins 399-413; Ralph Glaber


M Dec 5         Revival of Europe:  A New Western Empire

[M Dec 5        Make-Up Test at 2:30 pm]


[Tu Dec 6       Optional Movie; Alexander Nefsky at 7:00pm in HH111]


                                   Collins 414-29


W Dec 7         Moving beyond Rome


[Th Dec 8       Individual Study Day ]




F Dec 9 at 1:30 – 4:00 pm              FINAL EXAMINATION