List #11B: Saints and Scholars


Barmann, Lawrence, and C. J. T. Talar, eds.  Sanctity and Secularity during the Modernist Period. Six perspectives on hagiography around 1900 - Six perspectives sur l'hagiographie aux alentours de 1900.  Subsidia Hagiographica 79. Brussels: Bollandistes, 1999.


Boesch Gajano, Sofia.  “Dai leggendari medioevali agli Acta Sanctorum.”  Rivista di storia e letteratura religiosa 21 (1985):  219-44.


Boesch Gajano, Sofia, ed.  Raccolte di vite di santi dal XIII al XVIII secolo, strutture, messagi, fruizioni.  Fasano di Brindisi:  Schena editore, 1990.


Delehaye, Hyppolyte.  The Work of the Bollandists through Three Centuries, 1615-1915.  Princeton:  Princeton University Press, 1922.


Hausberger, Karl.  “Das kritische hagiographische Werk der Bollandisten.”  In Historische Kritik in der Theologie, edited by Georg Schwaiger.  Studien zur Theologie und Geistesgeschichte des Neunzehnte Jahrhunderts 32.  Göttingen:  Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1980.  Pp. 210-44.


Günter, Heinrich.  “Hagiographie und Wissenschaft.”  Historisches Jahrbuch 62-69 (1949): 43-88.   


Knowles, David.  “The Bollandists” and “The Maurists.”  In Great Historical Enterprises.  London:  Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd., 1962.  Pp. 1-62.


Felice Lifschitz, "Beyond Positivism and Genre: 'Hagiographical' Texts as Historical Narrative." Viator 25 (1994): 94-114.


Lotter, Friedrich. “Methodisches zur Gewinnung historischer Erkenntnisse aus hagiographischen Quellen,” Historische Zeitschrift 229 (1979): 298-356.


 Rapp, Claudia. “Hagiography and the Cult of the Saints in the light of Epigraphy and Acclamations,” in Byzantine Religious Culture: Studies in Honor of Alice-Mary Talbot, edited by Denis Sullivan, Elizabeth Fisher, and Stratis Papaioannou. The Medieval Mediterranean 92. Leiden: Brill, 2012.  Pp. 291-311


Scorza Barcellona, Francesco.  “La saintété: Les études hagiographiques au 20e siècle: Bilan et perspectives.”  Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 95 (2000): 17-33.


"Gli studi agiografici sul medioevo negli ultimi trenta anni in Europa." Hagiographica 6 (1999): 1-68.  A dedicated issue of this journal which contains seven geographically focused review articles.


Wilson, Stephen.  Saints and Their Cults: Studies in Religious Sociology, Folklore and History.  Cambridge, England:  Cambridge University Press, 1983.