The people named here are known through primary sources available in English translation.  For approval of other individuals, check with the teacher.



Alexius I Comnenus                

Alfonso X (the Learned)        


Baldassare Castiglione            

The Black Prince                  

Bernard of Clairvaux              

Bohemond of Antioch(Archbishop)    

Bruno of Cologne             

Charles of Anjou                  

Christopher Colombus              

El Cid                            

Eleanor of Aquitaine              

Edward the Confessor

Edward I of England

Edward II of England

Edward III of England

Francis of Assisi

Frederick I Barbarossa

Frederick II









“Godfrey of Boullon”

Gregory VII, Pope


Henry I of England

Henry II of England

Henry III of England

Emperor Henry IV of Germany

Hildegard of Bingen

Innocent III, Pope

Joan of Arc     

John of Brienne (King Regent of Jerusalem,

    Co-Emperor of Constantinople)

John Lackland


The Knight of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

Leo  IX, Pope

Louis IX

Louis VII

Louis XI

Manuel I Comnenus








Marco Polo

Matilda of Tuscany

Philip II Augustus

Philip IV (“the Fair”)

Raymond, Count of Toulouse
aymond Lull
Richard Lionheart
Richard III
Robert the Bruce
Robert the Pious
Simon de Montfort the Elder
William IX of Aquitaine
William the Conqueror
William Marshall
William Wallace