Courses Taught

NRM 3407 Wildlife Techniques  Cleaning up after small mammal trapping NRM 3407 2012

Click here to Check out the Website for the Study Abroad Costa Rica summer 2019 course!

NRM 2307 Diversity of Life (3 credits)
Principles of evolution, genetics, and biodiversity as related to the conservation and management of natural resources. This course will examine issues of biodiversity from the level of the genes to the level of the biosphere. Fulfils Texas Tech University General Education Requirement. Offered in Spring Sememsters.

NRM 3407 Plant Inventory and Wildlife Techniques (4 credits)
Basic methodology of practical of plant and wildlife sampling and research. Offered every Fall semester.

NRM 4324 Tropical Conservation and Ecology (3 credits)
Study abroad in Costa Rica. A survey of tropical ecology and conservation covering both survey and practice. Some summers.

NRM 4301 Tropical Avian Ecology (3 credits)
Study of the birdlife of tropical ecosystems. Focus on recording observations in a field notebook, identification and behavior. Some summers.

NRM 5307 Wetland Ecology (3 credits)
Advanced study in the structure and functioning of wetland ecosystems; including current literature on ecology and management of wetlands. Fall odd years.


NRM 5307 NRM 5307

Taught in the past

NRM 2301 Introductory Wildlife (3 credits, Core Technology and Applied Science)
Introduction to the ecology and management of wildlife populations. Stresses principles, life histories, and management techniques. Fulfils Texas Tech University General Education Requirement.

NRM 4407 Wildlife Investigational Techniques (4 credits, writing intensive)
Basic methodology of practical wildlife management and research. Currently not offered

NRM 4310 Principles of Waterfowl Management (3 credits)
Ecology and management of waterfowl.

NRM 5316 Waterfowl Ecology (3 credits)
Examination of waterfowl behavior, breeding biology, and habitat requirements in an ecological perspective

NRM 6002 Workshops coordinated:
   Information Theory for the Life Sciences (1 credit)
   Modeling Species Occurrences (1 or 2 credits)
   Fire Science and Policy